Loving Heart Programs
We help make the world a better place to live in
Become a member and join a special group of people who are
Making the World A Better Place in Which To Live
More LHF Programs
More LHF Programs
Membership Shows You Care!
When you become a member, you are joining a loving partnership of people from all around the world, who share together in a vision, and who are working together to increase love and unity in the Jewish Community, as well as, in the world.
Being a member enables you to become friends and communicate with Jews from all around the world who care about creating unity in the Jewish community and making the world a better place in which to live.
When you become a member, your financial support enables our programs to help people around the world. Your name will be listed on our website’s membership list, if you wish.
Membership is encouraged for every individual, family, organization, school, or business that has a loving heart, and cares about making the world a more loving, peaceful, and Godly place in which to live.
Membership benefits include unlimited access to many of our Web site’s inspirational, motivational, educational & social resources & discussion groups. Supporting members also receive personal Email links, premium web site services, and discounts on events, CD’s, publications, and other offerings.
We need Your love and support to make the dream come true, and to provide our programs. Please, become a member!
Membership Opportunities:(Annual Renewal)
Basic Member | $ 36 |
Basic Family Member | $ 72 |
Supporting Member | $ 100 |
Supporting Family | $ 180 |
Organization/School | Please Call |
Life Member | $ 1,800* |
Corporate Member | $ 2,000 |
Student | $ 18 |
* Denotes Lifetime Membership
Become a Member on line, by mail or by phone.
Grants and Contributions are welcome!
Angel | $ 18,000 | Builder | $ 1,000 |
President’s Circle | $ 10,000 | Patron | $ 500 |
Founder | $ 5,000 | Supporter | $ 250 |
Benefactor | $ 4,000 | Sustainer | $ 180 |
Pillar | $ 3,000 | Associate | $ 50 |
Chai Builder | $ 1,800 | Friend | $ 18 |
The Loving Heart Fellowship is an IRC 501c3 and California tax-exempt organization.
We are looking for sponsors to keep our programs alive. Perhaps you would like to make one of our programs or services available to people around the world, if so, please contact us.
A list of our needs and wishes can be seen on our Opportunities for Giving page.
Sponsors and contributors of our programs will have the opportunity of being listed on our site, and may become members of our advisory board.
The Loving Heart Fellowship
Is a 501c3 Tax Exempt Organization
Your contribution is tax-deductible
And a big Mitzvah!
Yes, all donations are tax deductible, and you can fulfill many important Mitzvot by making this program available.
Please see our Opportunities for Giving page and contact us for more information about becoming a sponsor of one of our programs or services.
Volunteer Opportunities are available.
Membership Form:
Thank You Very Much For Becoming A Member!
We hope that you will find being a member a very satisfying and uplifting experience!
Please mail in this form with your check to: If you have any questions about
The Loving Heart Fellowship membership, please contact us.
Please fill out the following form.
We ask for your E-mail Address so that we can send you a receipt and a “thank you letter.”
We ask for your city, state, and country so that we can list your name properly (if you wish to be listed)
We ask for your street address and phone number so that we can reach you (optional)
Your information is kept confidential and is not shared with any other organization!
For your convenience, you may click on the print button above, print the form, fill it out, and mail it to us.
Name (last)_______________________ (first)____________________
Title ____________________________
Email ___________________________
Street address (optional) _______________________________
City _________________ State ____________________ Zip ___________
Phone (optional) (day) _______________________ (evening) ____________________
Jewish Affiliation (optional) ____________________________
Synagogue (optional) ________________________________
Interests (optional) ___________________________________
How did you hear about us? ____________________________
Why do you want to be a member? ________________________
Amount enclosed $_____________ Type of Membership _______________ Thank You!
Would you be interested in having one of our programs in your community? ________
Which one(s) ___________________________
Would you like to sponsor one of our programs or services?
Feel welcome to discuss with us any questions or comments that you may have regarding
how we can help you to utilize our programs.