Loving Heart Programs
We help make the world a better place to live in
Jewish Unity Tour
Consisting of interactive, educational, social, musical and spiritual activities
Inspiring Positive Jewish Identity, Appreciation & Unity
More LHF Programs
The Jewish Unity Experience Tour
The Loving Heart Fellowship is offering a National Jewish Unity Program called “The Jewish Unity Tour.” This tour will be coming to the United States, Israel and parts of Europe.
The Tour provides:
Concerts, lectures, community education, tikun olam projects, educators’ workshops and leadership development.
In the U.S. we hope to tour fifty (50) cities throughout the fifty states.
We are presently booking the tour, and therefore, we are contacting key individuals in various cities to plan our itinerary.
This special program is crowd-funded and subsidized by a variety of grants and sponsors, and therefore it is a wonderful opportunity for qualifying communities to enjoy the many benefits of this program at a greatly reduced expense.
Our Mission:
It is the purpose and mission of The Loving Heart Fellowship to increase unity within the greater Jewish community. Included in Unity are mutual understanding and respect, appreciation, cooperation, caring, and love for all Jews.
Our Values:
Most everyone is on a path or growth and development in relating with themselves, each other, the Jewish people, the world and G-d.. We believe, as the Jewish tradition and Torah teach us, that Ahavat and Achdut Yisrael – the love and unity of the Jewish people, is an essential part of Judaism – for all Jews, regardless of affiliation or tradition.
Our Method:
We believe that through education, cooperative contact, positive communal experiences, and joyous communal Jewish celebration, Jews of different backgrounds can come to understand and appreciate each other – and even work together for the good of the Jewish people, as well as for the world.
We, therefore, produce community experiences that facilitate unity and cooperation within diverse Jewish communities. We offer workshops for rabbis, teachers, and community leaders; Unity in the Community Multimedia Concerts; Shabbatons; and other community-wide celebrations. We also offer consultation and mediation by qualified and experienced professionals to help bridge the gaps between members of the community that may have found it hard to communicate effectively and productively.
Our Hope:
We hope that Jewish communities across America, and the World, will sincerely want to participate in our programs to increase Jewish unity, and enjoy the many benefits of having unity in their community.
Requirements and qualifications:
The Loving Heart Fellowship has put together certain requirements and qualifications to be able to be a sponsor/participant in the Jewish Unity Tour. The reason for this is that we want to maximize the effectiveness of this wonderful and innovative program. We believe that those communities who do qualify will be likely to be successful at increasing community unity and cooperation on an ongoing basis.
We are looking for Jewish communities in which there is a diversity of Jewish identity and affiliation. Communities, which have synagogues of at least three movements of Judaism (Conservative, Orthodox, Reform, Chassidic, Renewal, Reconstructionist)
We are looking for community religious and professional leaders (rabbis, teachers, community leaders) who truly care about Ahavat and Achdut Yisrael – the love and unity of the Jewish people, – and who are motivated to work at creating lasting mutually respecting and cooperating partners with all Jews and Jewish leaders in their greater community.
We are looking for leadership who are willing to:
- Attend and participate in a Loving Heart Fellowship workshop on “Issues, Strategies, and Skills for Creating Unity in the Jewish Community.”
- Meet together at least three times a year to participate in a task force for creating unity in the community.
- Produce jointly facilitated community-wide Jewish events at least three times a year.
The Unity Tour Program
The Loving Heart Fellowship Unity Tour Program consists of the following:
- A workshop for Rabbis – Working Together With Godliness
- A workshop for professional community leaders – Creating Unity In the Jewish Community
- A workshop for teachers – Teaching Understanding, tolerance, Appreciation & Love
- A Multimedia Concert Event – for All Ages and All the Community – Featuring
- Original Music written to teach values of Jewish Unity and other Jewish values.
- Music of others teaching love & unity, including the late Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, zt’l.
- Jewish teachings and stories, which inspire Jewish identity, involvement, unity, respect, and cooperation.
- Visual displays (slides, etc.) with narration, teaching about Jewish unity.
The process for a community to become a tour participant & sponsor.
Submission of application to be a tour participant.
To be considered as a sponsor/participant, community leaders fill out an application form and send it to The Loving Heart Fellowship. We are happy to help you with this process.
Once the application is approved, the advance-planning phase begins.
Advance planning
- Choosing participating community organizations (synagogues, Federation, JCC’s, Hillel, schools, etc.) and leaders.
- Scheduling workshops for clergy, teachers, and community leaders.
III. Scheduling & Planning ‘Unity in the Community Concert’ event. (same week as workshops)
- Planning advertising and logistics (places for workshops, event hall, times, staffing, volunteers, supplies, and equipment).
- Program evaluation methodology and evaluation process.
- Hospitality for The Loving Heart Fellowship staff.
- Choosing participating community organizations (synagogues, Federation, JCC’s, Hillel, schools, youth organizations, etc.) and leaders.
- At least three organizations, which represent three different Jewish movements are to become cooperating partners in this Unity in the Community Tour program, so that at variety of movements are represented.
- At least two persons need to be chosen to represent each organization, and participate in the Unity in the Community Workshop for Leadership. (Rabbi, President, professional leader, etc.)
- Scheduling workshops for clergy, teachers, and community leaders.
- Workshop for clergy – As many clergy as would like to participate are invited to do so at a two-hour workshop on Creating Unity in the Community.
- Workshop for community leaders – As many community leaders as would like to participate are invited to do so at a two to three hour workshop on Creating Unity in the Community.
- Workshop for teachers – As many teachers as would like to participate are invited to do so at a two-hour workshop on Creating Unity in the Community.
- Your staff and ours will find mutually convenient times.
Concert Event:
III. Scheduling ‘Unity in the Community Concert’ event.
- Participating organizations choose a date, time, and hall for the ‘Unity in the Community Concert.’
- Rental of Sound System and any other equipment, as necessary.
- Planning advertising and logistics (places for workshops, event hall, times, staffing, volunteers, supplies, and equipment).
We will help your community with approaches to advertising. We will let you know what supplies and equipment is necessary for the various events, and your staff will be responsible for supplying what is necessary. (e.g. a sound system)
- Program evaluation methodology and process.
We will supply pre and post questionnaires to be utilized to evaluate the program. Your community may want to create a means of evaluation as well (optional).
Hospitality for The Loving Heart Fellowship staff.
Please discuss with us arrangement for hospitality of our staff while in your community.
Become A Partner
If you would like to become a partner is this important and wonderful event….
Please contact us:
Email: programs@lovingheart.org
Thank you for your interest!
With blessings,
Dr. Simcha Sheldon
In addition to the Jewish Unity Experience itself, the project will:
Create, produce, and distribute Audio Files of music that teaches Jewish values.
Create, produce, and distribute educational materials and activities that enhance and reinforce the experience.
Create and offer leadership training on many of the above topics, as described below.
Leadership Training Modules (Optional)
Training (workshops, lectures, classes, in-service training), both for individuals and groups (e.g. organizational staff, educators), will be made available in the following areas:
Teaching Values through Music
Jewish Inter-ethnic Relationships and Cooperation
Creating Unity in the Jewish Community
The Elimination of Prejudice and Negative Stereotyping (in the classroom, organization, community)
Increasing Positive Jewish Identity
Teaching the Positive Values of Zionism
Building Community
Building Bridges between People in Israel and People in the Diaspora
Implementation of The Jewish Unity Tour in Your Community
If you would like to participate in the great mitzvah and chessed of sponsoring Project Jewish Light in a particular community, please contact us.
Our Dream
We would like to see Project Jewish Light implemented throughout Israel, the United States, Europe, and throughout the world. We believe that the Jewish Light Experience is a model of community education, which builds Jewish bridges across generations and ideological differences. It teaches and models respect, tolerance, and cooperation. It produces joy, love, and Godliness, and gives us hope for our future.
We need generous support from communities, foundations, and individuals to make this dream come true –
A dream that has been dreamt for 2000 years…now is the time to make it come true.
Approximately 50,000 participants will be inspired over the next five years!
(Later to be also presented in JCC’s, Communities, and Schools throughout Israel & Europe)
Together, we can make a difference.
For Further Information about The Loving Heart Fellowship
or to Bring Project Jewish Light to Your Community:
Please feel free to E-mail us at:
Email: programs@lovingheart.org
(For security reasons, our address is not listed here)
Jewish Values Taught by the Jewish Unity Tour Include:
Awareness – Relationship – Responsibility – Commitment – Joy – Celebration – Spirituality
Personal values (behavioral, cognitive, emotional, spiritual)
Family values (relationships, marriage, parenting, children)
Social & Community values (responsibility, care, respect, cooperation)
National Values (Zionism, unity, history, identity, continuity)
Healthy Self
Being Joyful & Hopeful
A Loving Heart
Vision & Commitment
Moral & Ethical Behavior
Inner Peace
Identity – Jewish Identity
Good reasons to be proud about being Jewish
Judaism teaches healthy, life positive, Universal values
Finding one’s place in history
Finding one’s place in the Jewish community
What it means to be a Jew in the world
Jewish opportunities, rights, obligations, responsibilities
Recognizing and showing appreciation for the good in life
Appreciating the gifts that God gives us
Appreciating each other
Identity – Identification With Israel
The existence of a Jewish state is important for the Jewish people
The state of Israel stands for many positive values for Jews and the world (democracy, self expression, etc.)
It is important to feel and be a part of Israel – wherever one happens to live
It is valuable to take part in the building of Israel, as it is also the building of one’s heritage
Experiencing Israel helps one understand his/her roots, history, people, and religion.
Tolerance, Mutual Respect, Appreciating Differences, Cooperation
Mutual Responsibility
Relating with God
Fixing and improving the world – Tikun Olam
Be responsible for one’s own well being (health, safety, etc.)
Social Responsibility
Environmental responsibility
Being a good person
The Heart (its importance in Judaism)
Having an open heart
Relating from the heart
Loving God
Loving Oneself
Loving one’s fellow Jew
Loving God’s creations
Loving Eretz Yisrael
Doing Mitzvot with a full heart
Love and responsibility
Honoring parents (teachers, elders)
Furtherance of life and the Jewish People
Learning Torah – Jewish traditions
Speaking properly without slander, etc.
Behaving ethically
Giving (tzedakah)
Sanctifying life – time, space, place, oneself, things
Acts of kindness and righteousness
Concept & content created by:
Edward Simcha Sheldon, Ph.D.
© All rights reserved 2002-2018.
*The Jewish Unity Tour – the program, music, and its accompanying educational materials, are protected by copyright laws. Copyright © 2002-2018
by Dr. Simcha Sheldon. All rights reserved.
This is one of our
“Jewish Light” Programs
Jewish Light is:
Jewish Education With Integrity Soul & Heart to Learn Inspire Give & Hope Together
Feel welcome to discuss with us any questions or comments that you may have regarding
how we can help you to utilize our programs.